Since its launch only three weeks ago, the Monday night Walk & Talks are proving to be another great addition to the growing Maldon Man Cave list of activities.
You don't always need a reason to go for a walk of course. It's just nice to catch-up, chat about life, get some exercise, and explore the beautiful countryside on our doorstep. Averaging 4-5 miles over a 2hr period, we're taking the time to appreciate what's around us. It can be so peaceful; we occasionally stop and to listen to absolutely nothing - how often do we get a chance to do that in our busy lives?
With many MMC events involving a beer in our hand ('we're not a drinking club' being our unofficial motto), it's refreshing the call to visit a watering hole hasn't even been mentioned. The fact we're out and about exploring areas many had not been, is enough to occupy the mind and distract it from its normal routine.
The physical benefits of walking are well documented. It can help you lose weight, increase cardiovascular fitness, boost muscle power and endurance, and help strengthen bones. The mental benefits though are often overlooked, but include:
Helping improve your mood
Helping reduce stress and anxiety
Improving memory and problem solving
Helping you sleep better
Helping increase your energy
Helping you cope with difficult times
Improving your confidence and self-esteem
Reducing the risk of depression
Of course, you don't have to take part in an organised event or group activity, just open the door and start walking. No matter whether you're on level 21 of a shiny corporate tower, or working from home in your box room 'office', make time in your busy schedule to just get out and go for a walk. Go exploring the area around you, walk down that path you've never walked down, go see that park you've heard about but never visited, and why not grab a colleague or the dog whilst you're at it.
The Maldon Man Cave Walk & Talk is held every Monday from 7.15pm. The start location changes every week, so make sure you check the website or Facebook group for details.
Happy walking