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  • maldonmancave

Rocket Science it is Not

Maldon Mancave is a very simple concept. A social group where men can socialise with their peers. It's not rocket science.

Sometimes though, the simple things in life are the best. Why complicate matters, when you don't have to.

As word gets around, and more and more people hear about us, it's been great to see our numbers grow. Our marketing budget is zero, so we rely on 'free' publicity which includes wearing our merchandise proudly around town, the odd article in a local rag, and of course, word of mouth.

It's the way we like it. It's certianly not a secret club, and the more exposure, and the more people who join us the better. It's been great to see a steady flow of new people attend our pub nights, and there is absolutely no reason why that won't continue. The more the merrier.

I've always struggled in how to term people who partake in our activities. We don't have membership, so they're not 'members', and 'Cavers' just sounds corny. I therefore think the best term to use is simply 'friends'. After all, that's what we become, and long may it continue.

All the best


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