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  • maldonmancave

MMC socials are more than just beer with mates

You may not realise it, but our social nights are not only a great way to make friends/meet friends/have a great night, but they're also great for our mental health. We get out for a few hours, escape the stresses of life, get things off our chest, and (occassionally) talk nonsense to anyone who will listen. It's good for the soul.

Nobody should feel like a stranger in their own community, and many of us have felt like that at some point. It was one of the driving forces behind MMC after my own experiences having moved into the area.

What's more, let's face it, loads of us aren't great at talking. Yes we can talk forever about last night's football, or how the government should be doing this or that, but we aren't good talking about ourselves. It's strange but very true. The thing is, once you open up, you'd be surprised how many people have (or are) experienced the same thing.

Here at MMC we're not trained, we're not funded, we're not associated with any other organisation, we're just blokes doing blokes stuff, whilst helping each other out. When someone asks "you alright mate?" it's easy to give the standard response of "yes mate" and move on. Just remember, it is okay to say "no mate", and you may be pleasantly surprised how the conversation goes.

Hope to see you soon


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1 opmerking

Dave Johnson
Dave Johnson
07 sep. 2022

This is a great group to just chat and meet. Nobody trying to prove anything just friendly chat.

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