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  • maldonmancave

I have a confession

My name is Ross.........and I'm a Jammer. There you go, I've admitted it and it felt good.

That's right, on wintery Saturday afternoons I like get myself down to Park Drive and watch Maldon & Tiptree battling it out in the Istmian League North Division. I stroll the 15 minutes to the stadium, pay my £10 entrance fee, head to the bar for a pint (you can even take it to your seat), walk around the pitch to find my place in the stand and wait for kick-off. First half pitch action and stand banter is followed by a half time pint (hot chocolate on really cold days) and maybe some chips and a hot dog. Second half action, more banter, and then a nice stroll home mentally dissecting what I'd seen. A great 2hr escape from DIY or whatever chore life had in store.

We all need an 'escape' from things from time to time and there's no harm in that - in fact it's essential. Switching off for just a couple of hours can make all the difference. Clear the head, gets things out of your system, and get you ready to head back into action.

MMC members are more than welcome to join me, but if football isn't your 'thing' then why not let me know what is. There may be others who would like to join you or are looking for ideas. Just use the 'contact us' link on the website or email

See you soon

Ross - the self-confessed Jammer

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