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Thanks for visiting Maldon Man Cave. 


We get one life, and sometimes it's not always plain sailing. The fact is, we're all very different, so how we deal with these 'bumps in the road' is different. There is no 'manual to life' and there's often too many people willing to share their opinion or expertise. Whilst this is kind and well intentioned, us blokes are stubborn, don't like being told what to do - or how we should feel, and think we can do everything on our own. Maybe we can, but why should we? Where's the logic and what's the benefit?


There is no one more important than No.1. Look after yourself, and those around you will reap the benefits. Continue to bottle things up, and eventually, for far too many, the consequences aren't great. 


I founded MMC for one selfish reason - to make new friends. I'd lived in Maldon for a number of years, happily putting everyone and everything before myself, only to realise what I considered the right thing to do, was actually the opposite. Despite the loving family and good job - I wasn't happy. How could I not be happy? It's difficult to describe, but if you can relate, you know what I mean.


I'm 'Mr Average', and there's no harm in that - I'm no different to the average man - so there's a lot of us. I would see other men and just assume they're happy. I'm shy walking into a pub for the first time. I'd walk the kids to school but often just keep my head down. I'll consume myself in DIY, because I hate paying someone to do a job I could do myself - even if it takes ten times longer. That is the life of Mr Average - the 'normal' guy.


MMC is blokes doing bloke stuff - whatever that may be. To some it's meeting for a beer or watching the footie. To others it's helping someone move a pool table or lending a car jack. To others it's going for a 50 mile cycle or a stroll and along the sea wall. Whatever your 'stuff' - it's your chance to chat, get away from things for a bit - and discover there's people just like you - and they might even live closer than you think.



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